About Us
Our Vision
Through the grace and providence of God, we envision Grace Christian Fellowship growing as a body of Christian households committed to the serious application of Scripture to life in the 21st century. Achieving distinctiveness is not an end in itself; nevertheless, genuine Christians committed to the absolutes of Scripture will be different from those for whom the Faith is a hobby rather than a consuming passion. America desperately needs the leavening influence of serious Christians. We aim to resist the growing tide of paganism and demonstrate the practical value of biblical faith for all of life. Jesus taught His disciples to pray, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." It is vital that we not only pray in this way but also that we work to extend the impact of God's Kingdom. Christ must not only rule in the hearts of believers but also be acknowledged as Lord in our homes and nations. No dimension of society is beyond the purview of His throne. The mission of this church must be to speak prophetically to society, thereby calling for a spirit of repentance and restoration of biblical principles. |
Our Denomination
Grace Christian Fellowship is a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America. You may learn more about our denomination here. |
If our nation is to survive and prosper, it will only be as we repent in humility before God, publicly acknowledge Christ as Lord, and uphold His righteous standards. Ultimately, our national security will not be found in a superior military-industrial complex, in a prosperous economy, or in a well-written constitution. Instead, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" (Psalm 33:12).

Our History
In September 2023 we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the birth of our congregation. The church was born out of a concern over the theological liberalism that had been creeping into the mainline denomination from which we came. Our burden today is to be reformed and ever reforming in a quest to remain true to the orthodox tenets of the Christian faith.
In September 2023 we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the birth of our congregation. The church was born out of a concern over the theological liberalism that had been creeping into the mainline denomination from which we came. Our burden today is to be reformed and ever reforming in a quest to remain true to the orthodox tenets of the Christian faith.